The aim of this study was to build up a battery for assessing spatial neglect, then to analyse the norms and potential effects of age, education level, sex, hand used, and laterality. It was also to contribute evaluating the pseudoneglect phenomenon described by Heilman, which consists in a tendency of normal subjects to neglect the right peripersonal space. Tasks selected were presented to important groups of normal subjects, most often larger than 450. The battery comprised of a bell cancellation test, scene copy, clock drawing, two line bisection tasks, identification of overlapping figures, text reading, writing task, and the representational task of the France map. For each of them, different variables were selected, especially investigating the difference between performance in the right and the left hemispaces. This study allowed defining the threshold values (percentiles 5 and 95) for deciding of the pathological character of a patient performance. It also showed that the pseudoneglect phenomenon is more obvious in some tasks such as line bisection, and probably also in the representational task of the France map and writing. His importance and at times his side were influenced by the factors we studied, with between tasks differences, but also by the nature of the task to be performed, and especially his verbal component.