RCR-heteroduplex (GDA) and chip methods were used to detect rifampricin-resistant (RR) and rifampicin-sensitive (RS) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in the samples from patients (sputum) and in the clinical isolates of MTB from these patients (MB/BacT liquid medium and Lowenstein Jensen's (LJ) solid medium. The efficiency of detecting RR and RS of MTB (from the sputum) is 100 and 92.3% in the chip and GDA tests, respectively. Correlations between GDA (sputum) and drug test (LJ) were 91.7%, that of chip (sputum) and drug test LJ, 88.5%, chip (sputum) and chip clinical isolates (LJ), 100%. The efficacy of GDA and chip in the detection of RR of MTB strains is under discussion.