To comprehensively assess the in vivo expression of Candida albicans hydrolytic enzyme genes during oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC), a controlled sequential analysis of the temporal expression of individual members of the SAP (secretory aspartyl proteinase) gene family and PLB1 (phospholipase B) in a murine model of OPC was conducted. Acute infections in intact C3H and DBA/2 mice were terminated by clearance of C. albicans within 7 days after oral inoculation, but transgenic (Tg) mice expressing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 were persistently colonized until a final outgrowth before death. In contrast to the sustained expression of other SAP genes and PLB1, SAP7 and SAP8 were conspicuously distinguished by their transient expression in both intact and Tg mice. SAP5 and SAP9 were most strongly expressed throughout the course of infection in the Tg mice. These findings indicate that expression of individual members of the C. albicans SAP gene family is differentially regulated during experimental OPC.