We describe a new line of rats with inherited cardiomyocyte and ventricular hypertrophy. From a second-generation cross of spontaneously hypertensive and Fischer 344 rats, we selected for low blood pressure and either high or low echocardiographic left ventricular (LV) mass over four generations to establish the hypertrophic heart rat (HHR) and normal heart rat (NHR) lines, respectively. After 13 generations of inbreeding, HHR had significantly greater (P < 0.0001) LV mass-to-body weight ratio (2.68 g/kg, SE 0.14) than NHR matched for age (1.94 g/kg, SE 0.02) or body weight (2.13 g/kg, SE 0.03). The isolated cardiomyocytes of HHR were significantly (P < 0.0001) longer and wider (161 microm, SE 0.83; 35.6 microm, SE 2.9) than NHR (132 microm, SE 1.2; 29.5 microm, SE 0.35). Telemetric 24-h recordings of mean arterial pressure revealed no significant differences between HHR and NHR. The HHR offers a new model of primary cardiomyocyte hypertrophy with normal blood pressure in which to examine genotypic causes and pathogenetic mechanisms of hypertrophy and its complications.