We have established a congenic hypertensive nude rat strain, SHR/NCrj-rnu, carrying nude (rnu) and hypertension genes which was produced using females of the SHR/NCrj rat and males of the F344/NJcl nude rat by cross-intercross system for 12 generations. We demonstrated the susceptibility to M. leprae infection of SHR/NCrj-rnu rats as compared with F344/NJcl-rnu rats. SHR/NCrj-rnu rats were highly susceptible to M. leprae, and the SHR/NCrj-rnu rats of both sexes showed massive swelling of legs due to multiplication of M. leprae. However, F344/NJcl-rnu rats of both sexes revealed very poor susceptibility to M. leprae. There was a wide difference in the susceptibility to M. leprae between the SHR/NCrj-rnu and the F344/NJcl-rnu rats. We also examined the cytokine production. The resident peritoneal macrophages of SHR/NCrj-rnu rats produced IL-1 alpha, IL-6, IL-10 and TNF alpha, whereas those of F344/NJcl-rnu rats produced only TNF alpha.