Background: To observe the protective effect of hepatitis E virus (HEV) ORF2 recombinant protein expressed in prokaryote cell cynomolgus macaques (cynos) against challenging with wild-type HEV.
Methods: Cynos were immunized with HEV ORF2 recombinant protein and then challenged with wild-type HEV, the unimmunized cynos were used as control. Blood samples were collected and tested to see if there were dynamic changes of ALT and antibody to HEV before and after challenge with wild-type HEV.
Results: All the five unimmunized cynos re-presented hepatitis 3 weeks after challenging with wild-type HEV. However, all the five immunized cynos showed no hepatitis and pathological changes.
Conclusions: Cynos can be efficiently protected by immunization with HEV ORF2 recombinant protein against wild-type HEV. This protein can be a promising candidate for HEV vaccine.