Diluted formocresol is the most widely recommended primary tooth pulpotomy medicament, but it is not commercially available. This investigation surveyed practicing pediatric dentists about the concentration of formocresol that they use to perform pulpotomies and, if they use diluted formocresol, where they obtain it. Eight-hundred-and-six surveys were sent to a randomly selected sample of practicing pediatric dentists, and 422 were returned for a 52% response rate. Eighty-four percent of the respondents use formocresol for their primary tooth pulpotomies. Of those, 69% use full strength, 27% use diluted and 4% don't know. Sources of diluted formocresol for those who use the diluted form include: 34% who buy it that way, 58% who dilute it themselves and 8% who have the pharmacy dilute it. The majority of pediatric dentists who use formocresol for primary tooth pulpotomies use a full strength formulation.