The aim of this study was to characterize multichannel surface electrogastrography (EGG) recordings in patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma, SSc) compared to normal controls. Ten SSc patients and 13 healthy age-matched controls were enrolled in this study. Gastric myoelectrical activity was recorded using a four-channel electrogastrograph with abdominal surface electrodes. The EGG was recorded in the morning for 1 hr in the fasting state, and 1 hr after a standardized (500 kcal) test meal. It was found that: (1) The regularity of the gastric slow wave was significantly lower in the SSc patients when compared with the normal controls in both fasting and fed states. (2) There was a significantly higher incidence of bradygastria in the SSc patients. (3) The SSc patients showed a significantly lower percentage of slow wave coupling among the four-channel EGGs than the controls. (4) In comparison with the controls, the patients showed an impaired spatial distribution of gastric slow wave power in both fasting and fed states and an impaired spatial distribution of slow wave frequency in the fasting state. It was concluded that SSc patients have an abnormal gastric slow wave as shown in the multichannel EGG as a decreased percentage of normal slow waves and impaired spatial coordination of gastric slow waves. The multichannel EGG may serve as a simple, noninvasive, and cost-effective method to assess gastric motility disorders and their relevance in patients with SSc.