Reperfusion of support livers after cold preservation produces hemodynamic instability (i.e., postreperfusion syndrome) in the recipient during both orthotopic liver transplantation and extracorporeal liver perfusion. We evaluated the effect of the normal porcine cold-preserved support liver on healthy recipient hemodynamics and in situ liver function during extracorporeal liver perfusion. Support livers were harvested from Yorkshire pigs and reperfused in an extracorporeal circuit with a healthy, anesthetized recipient pig. Correlation analyses were performed between support liver variables of function (oxygen consumption, bile flow, and biliary phospholipid and cholesterol output) and both recipient hemodynamic stability (heart rate, blood pressure, urine output, and vasopressor use) and hepatic function (bile flow and biliary phospholipid secretion). The data indicate that optimally functioning support livers are associated with improved recipient hemodynamic stability manifested by decreased recipient heart rate and vasopressor use and increased recipient urine output. Support livers exhibiting poor biliary secretory function (i.e., bile flow and phospholipid output) were associated with similarly diminished recipient liver biliary secretory function. These data indicate that the functional condition of the support liver after harvest and cold preservation may influence both recipient hemodynamic parameters and the endogenous function of the recipient liver.