This study aimed to investigate the trajectory of fibres from the pontine nuclei that reach the two sides of the cerebellum. Injections of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) were made within the basilar pontine nuclei (BPN) and the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) in one side of rats with electrolytic injury of the middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP), ipsilateral or contralateral to the side of injection. Fibres were traced from the pontine nuclei (BPN and NRTP) to both sides of the cerebellum passing through the respective MCPs. The study carried out in rats with injury to one peduncle showed projections segregated to the half-side of the cerebellum innervated by the intact peduncle. The laterality observed was confirmed by a retrograde tracer study. In fact, injections of different fluorescent tracers in rats with injury of single MCP showed that in the pontine nuclei only cell bodies stained by the tracer injected in the half-cerebellum ipsilateral to the intact peduncle. Finally, similar injections (i.e. different fluorescent tracers in symmetric areas of the cerebellar cortex) in the cerebellum of intact brain rats showed that BPN and NRTP differ for the laterality of their projections. In fact, 82% of BPN cells project contralaterally and 18% ipsilaterally, whereas 60% of NRTP cells project contralaterally and 40% ipsilaterally. In conclusion, this study showed that the MCPs receive fibres from the pontine nuclei of both sides and project to the ipsilateral half of the cerebellum and that different contingents of projections to the two sides of the cerebellum arise from BPN and NRTP.