This study examined how HIV testing history and future testing intentions were related to sexual risk and perceptions of risk in a community sample of 1,052 Hispanic men. This sample is noteworthy in its diverse representation of Hispanics, its high ratio of participants born outside the USA, and its inclusion of heterosexuals and men who have sex with men (MSM). We used area-based sampling to recruit participants at public venues. Data were collected via anonymous, structured interviews from December 1999 to February 2001. Lifetime testing rates were high (76%), but only 45% had been tested in the last 12 months. Results indicate that men at highest risk-those who were MSM, had more partners and had STDs-were more likely to have been tested, and to have been tested recently, than men with lower risk. Being MSM and having been previously tested predicted future testing intentions. Inconsistent condom users with more than five partners were less likely to intend to be tested than men with more than five partners who used condoms consistently. Studying men who have successfully routinized HIV prevention practices (including testing) will assist in the development of interventions for those who remain at risk.