The frequency of the adenocarcinoma of cervix uteri is increasing.
Aim of the study: To define the characteristics of the entity.
Patients and methods: Between 1986 and 1992, 83 adenocarcinoma of cervix uteri, were treated at the Ibn Rochd Oncology Centre in Casablanca. It's a retrospective study with univariate analysis of the prognostic factors. This analysis was done for patients who were followed until the death or have 5 years or more follow up and the survival was calculated according the Kaplan & Meier method at 5 years. The local and regional recurrence factors were evaluated statically according the chi 2 and those for survival rate according the Logrank test.
Results: The frequency increased during the period with 2.1% in 1986 and 8.2% in 1992. The median of aged was 49 years. Fifty one patients have localised stage. Combined radiotherapy and surgery was performed in 66 cases and 17 received radiation alone. The loco-regional control was obtained in 83% among 73 available patients for results. The univariate analysis showed that the histological type was not a significant factor. However, age, tumor size, stage, histological grade and lymph node involvement were significant factors. These factors, the degree of differentiation and the lymph node involvement were significant for the 5-years survival.
Conclusion: The prognosis factors of the cervix uteri adenocarcinoma are, size tumor more than 4 cm, lymph node involvement, microscopic involvement to the parameters and positives excision merges.