Results of catalytic activities of enzymes are highly dependent on the measurement procedures and on local conditions. Thus, only poorly marked improvement of interlaboratory comparability of results have been observed in clinical enzymology. To solve this problem, SFBC and IFCC have proposed to use "validated enzyme calibrators". Standardised operating procedures adapted to 37 C have been developed by IFCC for the most commonly used enzymes in clinical chemistry, and will be soon published. Reference materials which have been certified with these SOPs can be used as calibrators for a set of measurement methods which exhibit the same analytical specificity. Calibrators must be commutable, a property that must be checked experimentally. It is possible to produce stable and commutable materials for the calibration of a set of methods. Interest of this approach has been demonstrated for several enzymes. Results of two studies presented here show that the comparison of results to the upper limit of reference ranges does not improve the interlaboratory comparability of results in contrast to the calibration of different methods by a common calibrator which allowed to reach an interlaboratory CV close to 4% for ALT and gammaGT.