The results of an experimental study on the behaviour of 134Cs, 85Sr and 65Zn in processing tomato plants grown in peat substrate are presented. Plants were contaminated by wet deposition of 134Cs, 85Sr and 65Zn, either by sprinkling the above ground part at two phenological stages or by administering 134Cs, 85Sr and 65Zn to the soil. The plants contaminated at the second phenological stage intercepted 38.3% less than those contaminated at the first stage, although leaf area increased by more than double. Transfer coefficients from peat soil to ripe fruit for 134Cs are significantly higher than those for 85Sr and 65Zn. Leaf to fruit transfer coefficients for 134Cs are one order of magnitude higher than for 65Zn and two orders higher than for 85Sr. Only when deposition affects fruits, as at the second phenological stage, are transfer coefficients to fruits similar for the three radionuclides.