Tooth eruption is characterized by spatially segregated bone resorption along the path of eruption and bone formation in the opposite direction. Monocyte recruitment occurs in two distinct peaks in both areas of resorption and formation. Without such recruitment tooth eruption does not occur. The signals that regulate this recruitment are thought to involve the expression of cytokines and chemokines. One such cytokine is tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which can affect monocyte recruitment through the induction of chemokines and adhesion molecules and increase their lifespan by acting as antiapoptotic cell survival signals. We examined the latter by studying mice with targeted deletions of TNF receptors p55 and p75 (TNFRp55/p75). The results indicate that mice that lack functional TNF receptors have a significantly reduced number of monocytes in the apical area associated with bone formation. The reduced number of monocytes in this area can be accounted for by an increase in apoptosis in TNFRp55-/-/p75-/-. In contrast, the number of monocytes, the rate of monocyte apoptosis, and the formation of osteoclasts in the occlusal area associated with bone resorption occurred independently of TNF activity. These results suggest that TNF receptor signaling can affect tooth eruption by acting as a monocyte survival signal in some but not all areas of bone undergoing developmentally regulated remodeling.