Purpose: To present the clinical and histopathological characteristics of an intramuscular haemangioma in the extraocular muscles.
Methods: In 1989, an otherwise healthy 21-year-old female developed proptosis of the left eye. Clinical examination revealed a painless, non-compressible, retrobulbar lesion. No discoloration of skin or conjunctiva could be observed. The patient had no history of head injury. She underwent surgery three times over a period of 9 years, without reaching a diagnosis. The tumour increased slowly in size despite the operations and MR imaging suggested a tumour of angiomatous origin. Finally, radical surgery was performed with enucleation of the left eye and excision of affected extraocular muscles.
Results: Histopathological examination of the removed orbital tumour showed a mixed type intramuscular haemangioma involving four extraocular muscles.
Conclusion: We report the first case of an intramuscular haemangioma of the orbit.