Ears with tympanic membrane perforation show a wide range of pathophysiology from simple perforation to mobility impairment of the ossicular chain complicated by sclerotic and/or inflammatory lesions of the middle ear. In surgery on such ears, we determine checkpoints and proceed based on the order of procedure. We studied postoperative results for 37 ears of patients undergoing tympanoplasty in the 3 years from June, 1996 to May, 1999. Lesions accountable for mobility impairment of the ossicular chain were confirmed and removed in the order of calcified tympanic membrane, tip of malleus handle, around the anterior tympanic spur, and epitympanum. Success in improving in hearing was 89.2% overall. Conductive impairment (air conduction-bone conduction gap) left on the patch test was found to differ with the site and range of tympanic and middle ear lesions. This can serve as a guide in preoperatively predicting the type of operation required.