Mycosis fungoides is an epidermotropic cutaneous T lymphoma. It's a non Hodgkinian lymphoma. We report the results of a retrospective review of 11 mycosis fungoide seen during 22 years. The frequency of MF was about 39.3% among all cutaneous lymphoma. Six patients were male and 5 were female; the mean age was about 56 years. Mean delay between diagnostic and the first manifestation was about 25 months. All patients had the progressive form: 4 had infiltrate plaques and 7 were at the tumoral phase. Lymph nodes and medullar metastases were noted respectively in 1 and 2 cases. Treatment was mono or polychemotherapy associated in 6 cases with topical drug. Three patients died of their diseases According to our experience and after reviewed the literature, we notice that our patients are slightly younger without male predominance. The diagnostic was done tardily and this may explain the pejorative prognostic.