Until recently, the film has remained the only medium of information in mammography. The film is used to record, to exploit, to store and to transmit the image. Computerization of images allows to dissociate and to optimize these different functions. Among classical factors of image quality (spatial resolution, contrast, noise), new factors should be added like the detective quantum efficiency and the conversion factor. Radioluminescent screens, then digital sensors for breast stereotactic imaging have been marketed. Manufacturers are now testing full field digital mammographs. Digital imaging allows many applications (computed-aided diagnostic, 3D imaging.) and permits the easy transfer of images for diagnosis and teaching. Three parts are presented in this chapter. The first one describes the different imaging modalities and gives a reminder of the different elements related to image quality. The second one is related to the practical aspects of full field mammography, the reading of mammograms on a review station, ergonomy in full field mammography and to possible changes for screening mammography. The third part is devoted to computed aided diagnosis and its possible application in screening.