Leg ulcer often requires hospitalization in Dermatology and involves problems of therapeutic management. We intended to draw a clear epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic profile of leg ulcer through a series of 70 cases observed over a period of 46 months in the Dermatology department at Charles Nicolle Hospital in Tunis. Like other north african works, our survey stresses a particular epidemiological profile. In fact, leg ulcer affects young men at a ratio of 5 to 1 and an average age of 43.6 years. The vascular etiological factor accounts for 63.4% of all cases of leg ulcer whereas other etiologies make up a wade range owing to their multiplicity. Yet, they may reveal a potential pathology. Treatment is both symptomatic and etiological. Treatment with saccharose has been tried on 23 patients among whom 82% showed good tolerance and 47% complete healing. As they are carried out, our results are compared with the data of literature.