Townsville General Hospital (TGH) has 285 beds and serves a population of approximately 500,0000 in North Queensland. In the period November 1998 until December 1999 there were three acute subdural haematomas (ASDH) related to therapeutic doses of enoxaparin. These culminated in death or severe neurological disability. Unfractionated heparin (UFH) is probably used equivalently in TGH. There were no intracranial haemorrhages in this period with UFH. It is well known low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) have a proven place in the management of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and ischaemic heart disease (IHD). There may however be some concerns regarding the haemorrhagic complications of therapeutic doses of enoxaparin in the central nervous system.
Copyright 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.