Clinical trials indicate that mammography provides a substantial breast cancer survival benefit; however, there is a need to demonstrate that this benefit extends to clinical practice and to determine the extent that current reductions in mortality are attributable to regular screening or adjuvant systemic therapy. Mammography was used routinely at our institution across a broad age range, in an era when most patients received no adjuvant systemic therapy. We examined breast cancer survival for a cohort of 678 stage I-III primary invasive breast cancer patients accrued from 1971 to 1990, and followed to 1996; 18% received adjuvant hormonal therapy and 15% received adjuvant chemotherapy. There were 61 women less than 40 years old; 136, 40-49 years; 341, 50-69 years; 140, > or =70 years. Factors available for multivariate investigations were age (years), tumor size (cm), nodal status (N-, Nx, N+), ER (fmol/mg protein), PgR (fmol/mg protein), adjuvant radiotherapy (no, yes), adjuvant hormonal therapy (no, yes), and adjuvant chemotherapy (no, yes). Forward stepwise multivariate regression with log-normal survival analysis was used to examine the effects of these factors on disease-specific survival. Ten-year survival by tumor size was adjusted for the effects of other significant factors. For women less than 40 years of age, 10-year survival at the T1a, T1b, T1c, and T2 cut-points for tumor size is, respectively, 0.77, 0.74, 0.67, 0.44; for 40-49 years it is 0.92, 0.90, 0.85, 0.62; for 50-69 years it is 0.81, 0.79, 0.75, 0.62; for > or =70 years it is 0.84, 0.81, 0.73, 0.44. With routine use of clinical mammography and up to 26 years of follow-up, we found breast cancer survival to be significantly better (p< or = 0.05) for all women with smaller tumors and that survival indicated a change in natural disease history with early detection. The Canadian National Breast Screening Study (NBSS) controls had significantly smaller tumors (p < 0.001) than our patients, which may indicate access to mammography outside of the NBSS that reduced the apparent survival benefit for clinical trial mammography.