The aim of this study is to report 46 new cases of canine T-cell lymphomas among a series of 140 lymphomas studied by immunophenotyping (incidence 32.8%). According to the updated Kiel classification adapted to the canine species, 13 were classified as low-grade and 33 as high-grade lymphomas. Among the low-grade lymphomas, five were small clear-cell lymphomas, three were pleomorphic small-cell lymphomas, and five mycosis fungoides. Among the high-grade cases, there were 11 pleomorphic mixed-, small-, and large-cell lymphomas, 6 pleomorphic large-cell lymphomas, 11 lymphoblastic lymphomas, and 5 unclassifiable high-grade plasmacytoid lymphomas. The cytohistologic features were highly suggestive of a T-cell phenotype on the basis of cell morphology (irregular nuclei and clear cytoplasms) (30/46 cases), a T-cell zone pattern, and the presence of hyperplastic postcapillary venules (22/46 cases). All 46 cases were CD3+ CD79a-, and among 34 cases investigated for CD4 and CD8 expression, 13 were CD4+CD8-, 13 were CD8+CD4-, and 8 were CD4CD8 double positive or double negative. The pleomorphic mixed lymphomas were mainly CD4+CD8- (6/7) and the lymphoblastic lymphomas were double positive or double negative (6/8). The main clinical, hematologic, and biochemical features were generalized (28/46) or regional lymphadenopathy (16/46), hepatosplenomegaly (15/46), extranodal involvement (11/46), mediastinal mass (9/46), and leukemia (8/46), which were mainly present in cases of lymphoblastic lymphomas and hypercalcemia (16/46).