Different classes of potassium (K+) outward current activated by depolarization were characterized in relay neurons acutely isolated from the rat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), using the whole-cell version of the patch-clamp technique. A fast-transient current (IA), activated at around - 70 mV, declined rapidly with a voltage-dependent time constant (tau=6 ms at + 45 mV), was 50% steady-state inactivated at - 70 mV, and rapidly recovered from inactivation with a monoexponential time course (tau=21 ms). IA was blocked by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 2 - 8 mM) and was relatively insensitive to tetraethylammonium (TEA, 2 - 10 mM). After elimination of IA by a conditioning prepulse (30 ms to - 50 mV), a slow-transient K+ current could be studied in isolation, and was separated into three components, IKm, IKs and a calcium (Ca2+)-dependent current, IK[Ca]. The slow-transient current was not consistently affected by 4-AP (up to 8 mM), while TEA (2 - 10 mM) predominantly blocked IKs and IK[Ca]. The component IKm persisted in a solution containing TEA and 4-AP, activated at around - 55 mV, declined monoexponentially during maintained depolarization (tau=98 ms at + 45 mV), was 50% inactivated at - 39 mV, and recovered with tau=128 ms from inactivation. IKs activated at a similar threshold, but declined much slower with tau=2662 ms at + 45 mV. Steady-state inactivation of IKs was half-maximal at - 49 mV, and recovery from inactivation occurred relatively fast with tau=116 ms. From these data and additional current-clamp recordings it is concluded that the K+ currents, due to their wide range of kinetics and dependence on membrane voltage or internal Ca2+ concentration, are capable of cooperatively controlling the firing threshold and of shaping the different states of electrophysiological behaviour in LGN relay cells.