Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is usually regarded as one of the most serious side-effects of the long-term usage of neuroleptics due to its high prevalence and potentially irreversible nature. Previously, several genetic polymorphisms were investigated for an association with TD in various ethnic populations. Among them, the Ser9Gly variant in the MscI restriction site of the dopamine D3 receptor gene was reported to be associated with TD. We have investigated the association of Ser9Gly polymorphism of the dopamine D3 receptor gene with TD in Korean schizophrenics. The frequencies of the genotypes of Ser/Ser, Ser/Gly and Gly/Gly in 54 schizophrenic patients without TD were 21 (38.9%), 33 (61.1%) and 0 (0%), while the corresponding frequencies in 59 schizophrenic patients with TD were 25 (42.4%), 28 (47.5%) and 6 (10.1%). We have found a significant genotypic association of the Gly/Gly genotype with TD in Korean schizophrenics (P = 0.028, two-tailed Fisher's exact test). However, there was no significant allelic association of the Ser9Gly allele with TD (chi2 = 0.288, d.f. = 1, P = 0.591) and there was no significant difference in the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale score between the three genotypic groups (P = 0.071, anova). In conclusion, we suggest that Gly/Gly homozygotes in the MscI polymorphic site of the dopamine D3 receptor gene may cause some change in the function of the dopamine D3 receptor and may be involved the pathogenesis of TD.