Hyperechogenic fetal bowel is prenatally detected by ultrasound during the second trimester of pregnancy in 0.1-1.8% of fetuses. It has been described as a normal variant but has often been associated with severe diseases, notably cystic fibrosis (CF). The aim of our study was to determine the risk of CF in a prospective study of 641 fetuses with ultrasonographically abnormal fetal bowel and the residual risk when only one mutation is detected in the fetus. Fetal cells and/or parental blood cells were screened for CFTR mutations. Two screening steps were used, the first covering the mutations most frequently observed in French CF patients (mutation detection rate of 70-90%) and, when a CF mutation was detected, a DGGE-sequencing strategy. We observed a 3.1% risk of CF when a digestive tract anomaly was prenatally observed at routine ultrasound examination. The risk was higher when hyperechogenicity was associated with bowel dilatation (5/29; 17%) or with the absence of gall bladder (2/8; 25%). The residual risk of CF was 11% when only one CF mutation was detected by the first screening step, thereby justifying in-depth screening. Mutations associated with severe CF (DeltaF508 mutation) were more frequently observed in these ultrasonographically and prenatally detected CF cases. However, the frequency of heterozygous cases was that observed in the normal population, which demonstrates that heterozygous carriers of CF mutations are not at increased risk for hyperechogenic bowel. In conclusion, fetal bowel anomalies indicate a risk of severe cystic fibrosis and justify careful CFTR molecular analysis.
Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.