The reuse of [18O] water after being purified by distillation has been reported to give lower [18F]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose ([18F]FDG) yields, probably due to the presence of organic impurities. In our routine production of [18F]FDG, however, we observed increased [18F]FDG yields with recycled [18O]water. Thus, factors affecting [18F]FDG yield were examined using as-purchased (virgin) and recycled (by photochemical combustion and distillation) [18O]water. [18F]FDG was synthesized by nucleophilic 18F-fluorination on a quaternary 4-aminopyridinium resin. The recycled [18O]water gave an [18F]FDG yield significantly higher than did the virgin water, without any significant difference in the [18F]fluoride yield. Levels of several ionic impurities including Cl- and Ca2+ were significantly higher in the virgin [18O]water than in the recycled water, while significantly larger amounts of organic impurities were detected in the former. Hence, trace amounts of organic impurities were not responsible for the lower [18F]FDG yield. Chloride anion in the [18O]water may compete with [18F]fluoride to lower the [18F]FDG yield.