Background: Although in recent years our knowledge of pathogenesis and natural history of thyroid cancer has widely increased, there is not accordance among authors in the field of surgical treatment of well-differentiated tumours. In fact the extension of the tumour resection and modality of cervical lymph-nodes dissection show questions not easy to answer.
Methods: From 1985 to 1994, in our Surgical Institute, 128 cases of well-differentiated thyroid cancer, out of 1346 nodular thyreopathies, were operated on. We have considered some factors as anamnestic thyreopathy, familiarity, symptoms, US and scyntigraphic factors, fine-needle aspiration cytology and surgical option. The surgical treatment consisted of 99 total thyroidectomies (with or without cervical lymph-nodes dissection) and 18 lobus-isthmectomies. Surgical morbidity was 0.7% for permanent vocal cords palsy, 9.3% for transient hypoparathyroidism and 1.4% for permanent hypoparathyroidism.
Results: The 5.8-year survival rate was 92.9%. Fifty-four patients were in Stage I, 35 patients in Stage II, 27 in stage III and 4 in Stage IV. Histological patterns showed the prevalence of papillary type (63.3%) over follicular type (36.7%).
Conclusions: The aggressive surgical approach in well-differentiated thyroid tumours, supported by complementary postoperative therapies, leads to a good control of the disease