Objectives: The aim of this work was to establish the dependence between the results of treatment and clinical stage and prognostic factors of the patients with gestational trophoblastic disease.
Materials and methods: The retrospective analysis of 1259 patients with Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD) observed in years of 1977-1995 in the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer and Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, Poland was made. Out of them 281 had recommendation for treatment. The mean age of the examined women was 34.5 years and treated patient 38.0 years. The clinical structure of the treated patients according to clinical stages: I--202 (72.1%), II low risk--17(6.1%), II high risk--4 (1.4%), III low risk--22 (7.9%), III high risk--26 (9.3%), IV--9 (3.2%). The clinical structure of the treated patients by histopathological type: hydatidiform mole 148 (52.7%), invasive mole 34 (12.1%), choriocarcinoma 93 (33.1%), without histopathological diagnosis 6 (2.1%). The distribution of the treated patients by antecedent pregnancy: hydatidifrom mole 166 (59.1%), spontaneous abortion 47 (16.7%), ectopic pregnancy 9 (3.2%) term delivery 59 (21%).
Results: Among 281 patients who received chemotherapy 79 of them underwent surgery. In the group of 281 treated patients, 267 (95%) are alive without the signs of disease, 11 (3.9%) died, 1 (0.4%) is alive with the symptoms of disease, 2 (0.7%) were lost of observation.
Conclusions: 1. Among the observed patients with GTD 23% needed treatment. 2. The most common histopathological type of observed patients was hydatidiform mole. 3. General treatment of patients with GTD consists of chemotherapy. 4. The results of treatment should be seen as successful since 96.5% of patients survived 5 years. 5. Survival of patients with GTD depends on clinical stage and risk factors.