The effects of ozone, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, and permanganate on the aquatic humic matter with different molecular size fractions and the organic acid formation in drinking water treatment were studied. Aquatic humus in lake water (LW), artificially recharged groundwater (AW), and purified artificially recharged groundwater (PW) were fractionated by high-pressure size-exclusion chromatography (HP-SEC) with UV-254nm detection before and after oxidation, a technique which resulted generally in seven peaks. The sum of the molecular size fractions (SMSF) of the LW was reduced by 47% during the bank filtration process, and the SMSF of the AW was reduced by 55% during the process in the water treatment plant. The oxidation of the AW resulted in reductions in the range of 18-35% of the SMSF; the respective range of the PW was 15-69%. However, the content of the total organic carbon (TOC) reduced only slightly, and a high correlation between the TOC and the SMSF (0.911) was observed in the whole material. The greatest decreases appeared in the highest-molecular-weight fractions while the low-molecular-weight fractions remained nearly unchanged. The total content of the six organic small-molecular-weight acids (sum of the organic acids, SOA) (formate, acetate, propionate, pyruvate, oxalate, and citrate) varied between 0.1-5.1% and 0.1-9.7% of the reduced TOC in the AW and the PW, respectively. The formation of the SOA, especially of oxalate, was the greatest after hydrogen peroxide combined with ozonation (as much as 1,100 microg/L), while chlorination resulted in the SOA of < 50 microg/L.