Infrageniculate (below-knee) bypass using all-autogenous composite vein requires multiple incisions, venovenostomy, and prolonged operating time. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term results of this procedure, with comparisons to grafts created from single-segment greater saphenous vein (GSV) or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). A total of 362 consecutive infrainguinal bypass grafts with infrageniculate distal target arteries were created in 283 patients in a single institution between January 1995 and December 2000. Comorbid conditions were common, including diabetes (58%), coronary artery disease (56%), prior lower extremity revascularization (41%), end-stage renal failure (20%), and prior coronary artery bypass grafting (18%). The indication for revascularization was limb salvage in 93% of cases. The grafts were constructed from single segments of GSV (n = 239), from two or more vein segments resulting in an all-autogenous composite graft (n = 61), or from PTFE (n = 62). All-autogenous composite grafts were constructed using segments of ipsilateral or contralateral GSV (n = 49), upper extremity vein (n = 23), superficial femoral vein (n = 7), or lesser saphenous vein (n = 5). Infrageniculate all-autogenous composite vein grafts exhibited similar long-term results to those of GSV grafts, and far superior results to those of PTFE grafts. For patients with available autogenous segments, the all-autogenous composite vein graft is the conduit of choice.