In this article we described a 24 year-old patient, suffering from nephropathy of unknown origin, who was admitted to the Clinic after having tried to commit suicide for the third time by overusing tricycle antidepressant drugs (TLPD) and ethanol. During toxicological tests the serum TLPD level was 548 micrograms/L and the serum ethanol level was 2.1 g/L. His chest X-ray showed the presence of several metal particles of approx. 1.5 mm in diameter disseminated in both lungs, which could have been particles of metallic mercury. When the state of coma was over the patient admitted that for the past three years he had many times injected intravenously a small amount of metallic mercury (about 0.5 ml/dose) to improve his strength, speed and physical fitness. Tested serum mercury level was 300 micrograms/L and urinary mercury excretion 500 micrograms/L/24 hours.