We describe and discuss microscopic findings in the brown adipose tissue (BAT) blood vessels of Han Wistar rats treated with GI262570X, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonist (PPAR-gamma agonist) by oral gavage for 28 days, 13 weeks, 27 weeks, and 2 years. Review of these studies revealed a consistent vascular change, consisting of multifocal fatty infiltration in the BAT of treated rats. A similar vascular change was not seen in other vessels or organs. Microscopically, fatty infiltration was characterized primarily by round, clear vacuoles within the tunica media and/or tunica adventitia of small and medium-sized arteries and arterioles. Occasionally, these vacuoles had peripherally located nuclei and morphologically resembled adipocytes, suggesting a well-characterized PPAR effect (ie, differentiation of stem cells or preadipocytes into mature adipocytes). However, administration of GI262570X up to 2 years failed to induce more severe or progressive lesions in the blood vessels of rat BAT and, in particular, did not result in induction of any atherosclerotic-like lesions or foam cell infiltration. At the longer exposure, there was an apparent reduction of severity and/or incidence, indicating a possible adaptive response. These results suggest that the possibility of generating atherosclerotic-like lesions through prolonged treatment of GI262570X (PPAR-gamma agonist) is highly unlikely in rats.