Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common behavior disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry. The problems resulting from the core symptoms of the disorder often endure into adolescence and adulthood placing these children at significant long-term risk for academic psychological and social morbidity. Despite the importance of the school in this process relatively few teachers of regular schools have sufficient knowledge about the foundations and principles of treatment concerning ADHD nor do they receive adequate training how to deal with ADHD related problems in the classroom. Moreover there is a significant lack of cooperation between schools, parents and therapeutic institutions inhibiting a multimodal treatment. This article resumes the experiences of a 3 months ADHD intervention program for teachers in a Cologne elementary school. It gives informations and advices for appropriate measurements in the classroom setting that include: 1. intensive information of teachers about the disorder, 2. intensified involvement of teachers in the treatment process and 3. the implementation of distinct didactic elements and well structured principles of behavior therapy in the school lessons.