Pleural metastases of breast cancer is a severe progression of the disease and the treatment is difficult. Distant metastases are mainly treated by chemo-, radio- or hormone therapy, but in recent years surgical intervention is increasingly important. Between the 1st of January 1992 and 31st of December 2001 in the 2nd Department of Surgery University of Debrecen Medical and Health Science Center Medical School of Medicine 43 patients with breast cancer were operated on because of pleural metastases. In these patients biopsy and pleurodesis with talcum insufflation were performed. The surgical treatment was followed by chemotherapy. Pleurodesis was successful at 76.7 percent. The 6, 12 and 24 months survival was 58.1, 39.5 and 16.3 percent. Based on literature data and own experience we conclude that surgical intervention with adjuvant therapy extends life expectancy for patients with pleural metastases. Pleurodesis can prevent or delay hydrothorax, it improves vital functions and the quality of life for patients with pleural metastases.