For diagnosis of urethral obliteration we have developed a method of complex examination including x-ray and ultrasound investigations, NMR-tomography of the small pelvis and perineum. This method provides maximal significant information about defects in the urethra and adjacent tissues and organs. Endoscopic urethral recanalization was performed in 86 patients with urethral obliteration aged from 7 to 78 years. Good and satisfactory results were achieved in 46 (53.49%) and 34 (39.53%) cases, respectively. Unsatisfactory results were obtained in 6 (6.98%) patients. Two of them had enuresis, 3 developed recurrent obliteration and 1 patient died. He suffered from concurrent cardiovascular disease and died early after surgery of hemorrhage and myocardial infarction. Secondary urethral stricture after endoscopic urethral recanalization was observed in 36 (41.86%) patients. Repeated internal optic urethrotomy and chronic urethral bouginage in combination with medication at the stage of rehabilitation resulted in stabilization of the urethral lumen in 34(94.4%) patients. Serious intraoperative complications arose in 3 (3.49%) patients: perforation of the rectum (1 patient), TUR syndrome (1 patient), prostatic perforation and hemorrhage (1 lethal outcome). The complications were in all the cases explained by erroneous direction of the endoscope movement, obliteration length more than 3 cm and underestimation of the severity of the patient's condition.