In the present study, GABA was shown to induce a necrotic neuronal death in cultured striatal neurones from mouse embryos. This effect did not depend on the activation of GABA(A), GABA(B) or GABA(C) receptors as it was neither antagonized by bicuculline, saclofen or picrotoxin, respectively, nor reproduced by the GABA receptor agonists, muscimol and baclofen. Excluding the participation of glutamate, GABA neurotoxicity persisted in the presence of either the antagonists of ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors or glutamate pyruvate transaminase, which induces an immediate catabolism of glutamate. A GABA transport-associated process is involved in GABA neurotoxicity as nipecotic acid and NO 711, two inhibitors of the high-affinity neuronal GABA transporters (GAT-1, in particular), completely prevented the neurotoxic effect of GABA. The activation of a subset of G proteins is also implicated in the GABA transport-mediated neuronal death as GABA neurotoxicity was completely suppressed when striatal neurones were pre-treated with pertussis toxin. Further demonstrating the specificity of this neurotoxic process, GABA-induced neurotoxicity was not observed in cortical neurones which, in contrast to striatal neurones, are largely represented by glutamatergic neurones. In conclusion, our study suggests that glutamate is not the sole neurotransmitter that can be responsible for brain damage and that GABA neurotoxicity involves both GABA transport and G protein transduction pathways.