Objectives: To develop and standardize a technique for measuring nasal nitric oxide (NO) output in children and to determine normal values in this population.
Study design: Prospective study evaluating a new technique for measuring nasal nitric oxide in a cohort of normal patients and a cohort of patients with nasal disease.
Methods: Nasal NO was measured using an aspiration technique, aspirating room air through the nasal cavities by means of a Teflon nozzle placed in one nasal vestibule while maintaining velopharyngeal closure using a party "blow-out" toyRESULTS Nasal NO measurements were performed in 45 children (mean age, 11.0 y; age range, 3.2-17.6 y) There were 20 girls and 25 boys. All children were able to perform the maneuvers necessary for measurement of nasal NO output. Among the subgroup of normal healthy children (30), there was considerable variation in NO output between subjects, with a mean NO output of 481 nL/min and an SD of 283 nL/min.
Conclusions: Nasal NO can be readily measured in children using the presented technique. There is considerable variability in the values for nasal NO output in normal children.