There is growing interest in extracorporeal blood purification therapies (EBPT) as adjuvants in the complex therapy of sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Nowadays the only routinely used purification technique is 'renal replacement therapy' (RRT) during acute renal failure (ARF), one of the almost inevitable and deadly components of MODS. RRT has been the first and still is the most utilised and effective type of EBPT. Evidence is growing about its ability to maintain homeostatic balance in critically ill patients, and specifically in septic patients with MODS. Clinical trials have been recently designed to modify or improve these therapies. In detail, the following issues have been currently addressed: effects on blood purification provided by different therapies, adequacy of prescription and delivery of therapy, toxins and solutes to be removed with these techniques. Based on these speculations we will briefly review the current understanding of these issues and the rationale for application of RRT in the intensive care unit (ICU). In particular, we will focus on the importance of increased ultrafiltration volume and its impact on mortality in the general ICU population and in septic patients.