Fifty-eight patients underwent vestibular neurotomy via the posterior fossa approach between September 1992 and December 1998 at the ENT department of Legnano. All patients presented a history of disabling unilateral Menière's disease and underwent complete neuro-otologic evaluation following the 1985 American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) guidelines. All patients underwent MRI imaging, ABR and electronystagmographic testing before surgery. Objective analysis of results is reported using the criteria published by the Committee on Hearing and Equilibrium of the AAO-HNS in 1985. According to the AAO formula, 52 patients obtained a score of 0, indicating complete control of major vertigo spells, while four were classified within the 'substantial control' group. Immediate hearing results indicated that 93 per cent of the patients maintained a level within 10 dB from the pre-operative level. Only one patient experienced a subtotal hearing loss yet retained measurable hearing. No major complications were reported. We conclude that a retrosigmoid approach to vestibular neurotomy can be considered a safe and effective procedure in relieving medically refractory vertigo in Menière's disease while preserving the hearing. Tinnitus and long-term hearing deterioration are not influenced by the procedure.