Load-induced fluid flow enhances molecular transport through bone tissue and relates to areas of bone resorption and apposition. Remodeling activity is highly coordinated and necessitates a means for cellular communication via intracellular and extracellular means. Osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts, which reside in disparate locations within the tissue, communicate intracellularly via the cellular syncytium and extracellularly via the pericellular fluid space of the lacunocanalicular system. Both of these communications systems are physically disrupted by microdamage incurred during fatigue loading of bone. The purpose of this study was to develop an analytical model to understand the role of interstitial fluid flow in the remodeling response to fatigue loading. Adequate transport was assumed a prerequisite for maintenance of cell viability in bone. Diffusive and convective transport were simulated through the lacunocanalicular network in a healthy undamaged state as well as in a damaged state after fatigue loading. The model predicts that fatigue damage impedes transport from the blood supply, depleting the concentration of molecular entities in and downstream from areas of damage. Furthermore, the presence of microcracks alters the distribution of molecular entities between individual lacunae. These effects were confirmed by the results of an in vivo pilot study in which fluorescent, flow-visualizing agents pooled within microcracks and were absent from areas surrounding microcracks, corresponding to areas deprived of fluid flow. Loss of osteocyte viability is coupled to targeting and initiation of new remodeling activity. Taken as a whole, these data suggest a link between interstitial fluid flow, mass transport, maintenance of osteocyte viability, and modulation of remodeling activity.