A 2-year-old sexually intact male Paint horse weighing 427 kg (940 lb) was admitted for examination and treatment of intermittent non-weight-bearing lameness of the right hind limb of 1 week's duration. Radiography revealed a displaced Salter-Harris type-III fracture of the right femoral condyle with the sagittal component of the fracture line located in the intercondylar space and the transverse component exiting on the medial aspect of the femur. The fracture was repaired with a condylar screw plate designed for repair of femoral condylar fractures in humans. The owner reported by telephone 9 months after surgery that the horse was sound. To our knowledge, use of this particular implant system for fixation of a Salter-Harris type-III fracture on the medial side of the femur in a horse has not been described. Results in this horse suggest that this implant can be successfully used for repair of femoral condylar fractures in selected adult horses.