The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ten pesticides on Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, and thereby to investigate the possible association between these data and the difficulty in isolating P. brasiliensis from agricultural soil. Six fungicides (Alto 100, Benlate, Captan, Dithane, Plantacol, Rovral), two herbicides (Pivot, Roundup) and two insecticides (Azodrin and Curacron) were evaluated. Five P. brasiliensis isolates from the environment (labelled group 'N,' for 'nature') and five isolates from patients (group 'P'), were grown on Sabouraud's dextrose agar, at 35 degrees C, with ten different concentrations of each pesticide. The dose of pesticide that causes 50% growth inhibition (ED50) was calculated for each isolate. All pesticides assayed inhibited P. brasiliensis in a dose-dependent manner, and great variability among ED50 values was observed in isolates from both groups. No statistically significant difference was observed between averages of ED50 from groups N and P, except with Alto 100. The inhibitory effect of pesticides on P. brasiliensis suggests that they can interfere with attempts to isolate P. brasiliensis from soil, where tonnes of pesticides are applied over large areas planted with various crops.