Reactive oxygen species (ROS) during normal metabolism signal cells to stimulate proliferation or to cause cellular damages, depending on a specific concentration. Energy restriction (ER) increases life span in animals, which can explain an effective modulator for reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can result from a decrease in the protection against ROS. The deleterious effects of oxidative stress generally occur after exposure to a relatively high concentration of ROS. Alternatively, it has been suggested that a low concentration of ROS can exert important physiological roles in cellular signaling and proliferation. Signal pathways are crucial for cell survival or death. It is generally acceptable that aged cells have less response to stresses such as ROS than young cells. Oxidative stresses induce JNK and p38 kinase pathways regulated by redox regulatory proteins: thioredoxin and glutathione s-transferase, respectively. Antioxidants such as selenium block apoptosis induced by ROS through blocking apoptotic signal ASK1 and stimulating survival signal Akt activity. Old hepatocytes are more susceptible to ROS-induced apoptosis than young hepatocytes, which is associated with low expression of ERK and Akt kinases. Pharmacological inhibition of ERK and Akt activation in the young cells markedly increase their sensitivity to H(2)O(2), and ER, by preventing loss of ERK and Akt activities, enhances survival of old hepatocytes to a level similar to those of young cells. Expressions of signal pathways such as survival and apoptotic signals can regulate cells' fate and aging process. Further studies on the interaction of signal pathways may change the scientific direction of the study of aging.
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