Intra- and extracellular recording techniques were used to study the epileptiform activity generated by guinea pig hippocampal slices perfused with free-magnesium artificial cerebrospinal fluid in the presence of physiologic (4 mM), reduced (2 mM) or elevated (8 mM) extracellular potassium concentrations ([K(+)](o)). Extracellular field potentials along with intracellular recordings were recorded in CA1 or CA3 region. Reduction of [K(+)](o) significantly increased the latency of epileptiform field potential (EFP) appearance as well as burst discharge duration and decreased EFP repetition rate. Depending on different background [K(+)](o), epileptiform burst discharges appeared in different patterns including varied types of paroxysmal depolarisation shifts and burst activity in CA1 and CA3 subfields. Comparison with physiological and increased [K(+)](o,) reduction of [K(+)](o) significantly increased the mean duration of bursts, mean amplitude of depolarisation, mean after-hyperpolarisation duration, and inter-spike intervals in both CA1 and CA3 areas. Three distinct patterns were distinguished on the basis of their evoked firing pattern in response to application of depolarising current pulses in the interval of epileptiform burst discharges. Neurons superfused with 2 mM [K(+)](o) presented fast adapting pattern while cells washed with 4 or 8 mM [K(+)](o) exhibited intrinsically bursting or slow adapting patterns. Comparing the groups with different background [K(+)](o), there is a more severe form of discharges in low K(+) and a subtle difference between 4 and 8 mM K(+). The data indicate the importance of background [K(+)](o) on epileptiform burst discharge pattern and characteristics.