This work reports the use of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance tractography to visualize the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the major white matter fasciculi within living human brain. Specifically, we applied this technique to visualize in vivo (i) the superior longitudinal (arcuate) fasciculus, (ii) the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, (iii) the superior fronto-occipital (subcallosal) fasciculus, (iv) the inferior frontooccipital fasciculus, (v) the uncinate fasciculus, (vi) the cingulum, (vii) the anterior commissure, (viii) the corpus callosum, (ix) the internal capsule, and (x) the fornix. These fasciculi were first isolated and were then interactively displayed as a 3D-rendered object. The virtual tract maps obtained in vivo using this approach were faithful to the classical descriptions of white matter anatomy that have previously been documented in postmortem studies. Since we have been able to interactively delineate and visualize white matter fasciculi over their entire length in vivo, in a manner that has only previously been possible by histological means, "virtual in vivo interactive dissection" (VIVID) adds a new dimension to anatomical descriptions of the living human brain.