The purpose of this study was to investigate cephalometrically the uvulo-glosso-pharyngeal dimensions in subjects with beta-thalassaemia major. The subjects were 15 thalassaemic patients (eight males, seven females) with a mean age of 14.13 +/- 1.06 years. The variables measured on the lateral cephalograms were tongue height and length, soft palate length and thickness, superior, middle and inferior pharyngeal airway space, and hyoid bone position. The thalassaemic group was compared with a normal control group matched for sex and age using a t-test. The results showed that thalassaemic patients had a smaller tongue size (length P < 0.05, height P < 0.001), shorter soft palate (P < 0.001), smaller upper (P < 0.001) and middle (P < 0.05) pharyngeal airway spaces, and a shorter vertical pharyngeal length (P < 0.05). The hyoid bone in thalassaemic patients was closer to the mandibular plane (P < 0.001).