To improve the capabilities of microorganisms relevant for biodegradation, we developed a new genetic approach and applied it to the bph operon (bphEGF[orf4]A1A2A3CD[orf1]A4R) of Pseudomonas sp. strain KKS102 to enhance its biphenyl- and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-degrading activity. A native promoter of the bph operon, which was under control, was replaced through homologous recombination by a series of promoters that had constitutive activity. By testing a series of promoters with various strengths, we were able to obtain strains that have enhanced degradation activity for biphenyl and PCBs. This strategy removes the rate-limiting factor associated with transcription and has the potential to improve the degradation activity of a wide variety of microorganisms involved in biodegradation.