The expression of bcl-2, CD10, and CD20 was examined by multicolor flow cytometry in 78 samples including lymph node or other tissue biopsy specimens containing follicular lymphoma (FL; n = 17), reactive hyperplasia (RH; n = 28), or other malignant lymphomas (n = 20), as well as bone marrow aspirates (n = 13). The presence of CD10+ cells with high bcl-2 expression predicted the presence of FL rather than RH with a positive predictive value of 100% and negative predictive value of 96%. CD10+ cells with high bcl-2 expression also were found in a subset of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and were otherwise rare in other types of malignant lymphoma. In contrast with immunohistochemical studies, a reduced but apparently measurable level of bcl-2 was present in benign follicular center cells. Hematogones showed lower bcl-2 levels than did FL cells in the bone marrow, and neutrophils were bcl-2-. Measurement of bcl-2 expression levels by multiparameter flow cytometry offers a rapid, quantitative assessment that may assist in the diagnosis of FL in lymph nodes or bone marrow, even when other CD10+ cells or admixed normal B cells are present.