A major problem in the morphometric evaluation of human spleen is the simple but reliable determination of the border between T-cell and B-cell dependent areas, and other structures of the spleen. It was investigated whether cryostat sections of frozen surgical specimens of the human spleen and sections of paraffin-embedded specimens could be used for this purpose after being stained with haematoxylin and eosin and mounted in autofluorescence-free medium for fluorescence microscopical evaluation. Comparison was made with sections that were immunohistochemically-stained for fibronectin and collagens type II and type IV. Both in cryostat sections and paraffin sections, fluorescence was found in circumferential reticulum of periarterial lymphatic sheets, arterial terminals, arterial walls and walls of red pulp sinuses in the spleen. Evaluation was hindered by fluorescence of erythrocytes in paraffin sections but not in cryostat sections. Results were similar as those obtained with immunohistochemical fibronectin staining and are sufficient for morphometric evaluation or orientation in the tissue in case of neoplasia.